
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scorpions, Snakes and Horny Toads

I'm pretty darn proud of myself this week y'all!

Some groundwork, let me explain somethings. If you remember, I live in Texas and spring lasts about two weeks, meaning summer is in full swing here! Oh yeah baby, temps up in the 90's already! It is crazy stuff.

Having said that, with summer also come the various creepy crawly specimens of this climate, namely scorpions, snakes, and horny toads (oh my!) among other things. (The tarantulas don't show up much until July, so we don't have to worry about them for now.)

And, wouldn't you know it, I got to meet all three of these natives this week.

While digging up a flower bed for Mrs. P, I came across Senior Scorpion lurking in the brick pile-- there may be some who mourn his passing, but I'm pretty darn proud of myself for disposing of him with nothing more than a stick!

Encounter #2, while my brother and I were out cruising around in one of our new toys (a post on that later) I spotted a baby horny toad going across our path. We were able to safely capture him and bring him back for the rest of the family to see.

I made up my mind then and there to touch him, and before it was all said and done I was holding him, petting his little spiky head and, in truth, became quite attached to the little fella'. I felt a twinge of a 'free willy moment' when we took him back and released him where we found him.

Horny Toads look like a cross between a lizard, toad and small dragon.
Surprisingly, all the spikes you see weren't sharp, they were pretty
flexible, except for the head horns. This is a baby.

If you rub their tummies, they calm down and even fall asleep!
This one was so calm, you only had to rub his head.

Encounter #3 happened just this morning. We had a Sunday morning visitor, Sir Hog Nose Snake. They are a non-venomous snake, but look rather impressive and intimidating because they flare like a cobra and hiss rather loudly. I was pretty proud of the fact I was able to stand right next to the bucket he was in, standing there watching in, can you believe it, actual amazement as his entire body shrunk then expanded while he inhaled air to produce his menacing hiss. It may sound gross to you, but in all honesty, I was a little transfixed watching it, thinking how God's creation is amazing.

Wow, God does work miracles. I wouldn't have gotten within 10 feet of those creatures before, and certainly never would have looked upon a snake with anything but murderous thoughts!

Have you done anything recently you are proud of?


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