
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Reading List!


Even though I've been out of school for years, and my day to day is the same summer or fall, there is still something about the allure and adventure of summer.

It breathes a slower pace, a brighter day, a virbrant life. Summer.

In that spirit I have been inspired to compile a Summer Reading List (which, according to the number of books I have on it, might more aptly be called my 2012 reading list). This list consists of books aimed at getting me closer to who I want to be, what I want to know and maybe a couple far away places I can "travel" to this summer.

My goals to accomplish through my reading list were these:

1) I wanted to find a role model, a 'hero' so to speak. So many people have historical or famous people they look up to, modeling their lives and actions after those of their idol. I realized that I don't have a person like that! I know, right?! But really, I don't have a certain person that has really inspired me. So- I'm going to find one this summer.

2) Gain knowledge of other countries, cultures, religions etc.  I already shared with y'all my love of India, but sadly, I don't know much about the culture, people or country. Since I can't really afford to make a trip there this summer, I can maybe travel there through some Indian literature and geography books. A different kind of Indian Summer. :)

3) Recover my heart: stronger sense of strength and purpose in the Lord  I want to always grow forward and be moving in the direction God has for me and I recently realized I had gotten a bit burnt out and lost a lot of my 'heart'. I want to recover it and grow closer to His.

In moving closer to these goals I have been in search of good books!

Last week I went thrift shopping (I hope to soon be sharing some of my fun finds!) and among my purchases was an exileratingly exciting stack of books! Some of them are for future reading and aren't priority for this summer, but several of them are.

Here is my list (so far).

Summer Reading List 2012

* In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado (just barely started this)

* The Great Eight by Scott Hamilton (AHH!! I grew up obsessed with ice skating and this man was the greatest! This book is about his faith, battle through cancer and living in the spot light and staying happy and positive through it all. I am really looking forward to reading this one!)

*The Great Divorce and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis ( one of my favorite authors)

* Revolution In World Missions by K.P. Yohannan (a look into missions and life in India)

* Katha: Short Stories By Indian Women (a look into the life of Indian women, their culture, their literature style and some of their legends.)

*Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires, The Respect He Desperately Needs (about the needs of men and women in a healthy marriage relationship. It is always good to learn as much as one can in preparation.)

as well as....

* Appointment in Jerusalem by Lydie and Derek Prince
*Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick
*Praying Hyde by Basil Miller (a story of a Indian MIssionary)
* Dare to Desire and/or Journey to Desire by John Eldredge
*Crazy Love by Francis Chan
*The Birth Order Book by Dr. Kevin Leman
*How to Argue Like Jesus by Joe Carter and John Coleman

Some of these titles I have yet to purchase (we have a tiny library!).

So, there is my list! Goodness! I had better get cracking!

Do you have any suggestions?

What are some books that have really impacted your life?

I'd love to hear from you!


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