
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dresser Makeover Project!

A new project!

So I've been wanting to change out the desk/dresser I have in my room for quite a while now.
But the right piece (and price) had never happened along.
Until recently.

You know all that thrifting I've been doing lately?
Well, when last I was out I spotted an old sewing desk that shouted out possibility,
 hidden beneath the grime and bumps.

Don't you love the doors?
They are what drew me to it in the first place.

It is a bit rough and needs a little TLC and a makeover,
but I think it will be great when I'm finished with it!

So. A blank canvas of a desk.
You know what this means?!

Pinterest, here I come!!
(The best place to get inspiration and ideas for anything creative!)

Here are some of the ideas and looks I like best.

This is my favorite look! I love the crisp elegance of the black paint
mixed with the natural look of wood. Then the beautiful colored graphic
adds just the right pop and flair.
Love it!

Now look at this beauty!
This is more a piece of art than a piece of furniture!
Again, the look of natural wood and paint
just strikes me as a gorgeous combination.
I love the details on the top and drawer fronts.

Another prime example of the lovely union between wood and paint
is this gorgeous hand painted piece from a shop on Etsy.

I don't quite have the painting talent to pull of anything like the
dresser above, but this dresser is a beautiful example
of what you can do with stencils!

I think I might do something like this around my knobs as well....??

Speaking of knobs, aren't these floral ones just darling?!

And there you have it!

My Pinterest inspiration!

Now, I just need the supplies and the time
and I'll turn my little mess of a dresser into a gorgeous new addition
to my bedroom furnishings!

I'll be sure to let you know how it turns out
when I get it done!
(But don't hold your breath quite yet,
it will be a while yet til my schedule allows me time!)

Until later then.


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