
Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Melodies: Reach

Happy Monday, friend.

Right now, as I'm writing this post and selecting the song I want to share with you,
it is exactly three days before this post will be published, before you read it.
I'm scheduling it in advance, in preparation.

And it made me think.

I'm preparing an insignificant post for you to read.

God is preparing the week before you.

I've given you a song that spoke to my heart and brought me joy.

God sings a song over you that you are His joy.
(Zephaniah 3:17)

Let that lighten your load and brighten your heart.

As you listen to this song and read the words,
I challenge you to listen deeper....

Listen for Someone singing harmony, echoing the truth of His own Words to your spirit.


Reach by Peter Furler

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