
Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Wedding Gift Afghan...My Week of Frantic Crochet and Jane Eyre

Recently one of my dear friends, Atlanta, was married to the man of her dreams
at a fairy tale like Civil War Wedding.
Now, I had known for months that the wedding was approaching,
but did I plan ahead like any normal person and get a wedding gift far in advance?
No, I didn't.
Instead I became panic stricken late one evening as I realized I had a week and one day
left until I needed to have gift in hand.
Oh, and did I mention I was kind of broke?
In the time that has since passed, I'm not sure of the thought processes that flitted through my frantic mind, but they probably went something like this...
Me: "What am I going to do?!"
Me:" I don't know, but you had better think of something!"
Me: "This can't just be 'something', this has to be a special something, this is Atlanta we're talking about!"
Me: " I know, I know..."
Me:" Aha! I could make something! A handmade gift is always special, right?!"
Me: "So...what?...You are going to make her a pair of potholders and a bookmark?"
Me: "No, no, no! It has to be something really good, nice and quality, this is a wedding gift!"
Me: "You have a week!!"
Me: "I could make an afghan!"
Me: "You have a week!
Me: "Hmmm...I don't have enough yarn for that...wait, yes I do! I have tons of yarn, I can make a granny square afghan! Perfect!"
Me: "You have ONE WEEK!!"
Me: "Will you *stop* saying that?! Do you remember the time I virtually crocheted a scarf in one night? It was Christmas Eve, and it was mom's present? Remember that?"
Me: " Yeah, bu.."
Me: "This can be done.
It is basically a bunch of squares joined together, that shouldn't take long, right?"
That last statement...true or false?
My family barely saw hide nor tail of me the week that followed,
I worked at a frantic pace and didn't do anything else that wasn't vitally necessary.
But I got it done!
(Disclaimer: This is not a recommended time frame- please, do not try this at home.)
My Grandma H. makes tons of beautiful quilts using
this triangle design- one of hers acted as my inspiration.
I laid the squares on top of a twin sized bed sheet, this
acted as guide for my size. When I needed to put it up,
I simply rolled up the sheet with all the squares on it,
saved so much time!

I connected all of the squares with a cream white yarn.

Looking back, that week is a blur of colored blocks and Jane Eyre.
You see, the night before I decided to
I had spent the evening with Atlanta, who had introduced me to the story of Jane Eyre for the very first time.
We watched a BBC mini series version (my favorite so far!) and I was hooked!
So, when I finally presented the gift to Atlanta, I told her it was the Jane Eyre afghan because I listened to the entire audio book, watched an old movie version, and RE-watched the mini series during the construction of that blanket!
My brother snuck into my lair and snapped this picture
as proof I was still alive...notice the headphones.

In the end, my hard work and earnest efforts turned out beautifully...I was pleased!
It makes me smile thinking that at this moment my afghan rests in the home of my sweet friend, ready to warm her and her new husband on a chilly night.
In closing, I don't think this post would be complete without a quote from one of my
new favorite love stories....Jane Eyre...dedicated to the marriage of Atlanta and her 'Mr. Rochester'.
“I ask you to pass through life at my side—
to be my second self, and best earthly companion.” 
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte


  1. Beautiful! I know for a fact that this lovely quilt looks just fabulous in Atlanta's house.

    You did a terrific job, Des. : )

    ~ Aspen


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