
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Makeover!

A problem.
Yes, that is what I've had lately... or rather, one could more aptly put it...a lack of motivation
when it came to sewing.
Why is that, do you ask?
Well, because the sewing machine was stuck in a dark, dingy corner of our computer room....
there were always people trying to squeeze past me into our library/play room
and the clutter from my 'wall neighbor', the computer desk, inevitably flowed over onto the sewing table.
Not a fun or well ordered work environment. :(
I realized one day that I needed to put in a request for a change.
With a growing list of sewing projects and no desire to work in that dark corner,
 something needed to be done.
The long and short of it is, I got my wish!


Just plain ol' white walls.
This is just before the color went up...all the nail holes filled in, drop cloths down and furniture covered. 
Some of the family and myself spent pretty much the entirety of yesterday painting the computer/sewing room.
The color starting to go up!!
Happy painter. :)
A shot from up above...the pretty, yet poorly illuminating chandelier that will soon be replaced.
 Hooray for better lighting!
Originally, we were aiming for a nice peachy color,
but once we got it out of the can and up on the wall, it was a lot more pink than we anticipated.
Of course, we realized this after we had painted all the walls.
With one can of color left, we got creative.
Using some brown paint we had on hand, we slowly mixed it in with our original pink-peach
until we got a more toned down and comforting color.  
Leaving one wall the original shade, we preceded to repaint the other three.
We were much happier with the results the second time around.


This is the end result.
The wall to the right is the original brighter color, the wall the piano is against
is our modified color.
Can you see the difference?
(Please ignore our dust...we were still cleaning and rearranging.)
We also did some custom mixing for the trim color...a little of the original wall color...some white...and a little bit of brown.
The look of the room turned out different than I had envisioned it, but all in all I like it. 
I am so excited to have a pretty, more friendly working setup for sewing!
Now the sewing machine has its own wall space and no more dark corner!
Next up, getting that space organized and pretty-fied!
I hope y'all had a great Memorial Day. 

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