
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Looking Back: July

So much takes place each and every day, let alone through out the course of a month.
Some of the bigger stuff makes it on here...
all my projects and crafts,
but there are other great little moments that don't get recognized,
which are maybe even more a part of my life.
In that mind set, I decided it would be fun to do a sort of 'recap' post at the end of the month,
pictures and little snippets of what else happened
that didn't 'make the cut', so to speak, the first time around.
So, here we go!
My two youngest siblings!
We tried to see Man of Steel for Father's Day, but they were sold out ( I think that is the first time that has ever happened to us!), so we tried again the next weekend: success!
This was after seeing the movie...we were waiting in the van for mom and dad...bored...that means pictures...

One of my other brothers...."Don't take my picture..."

Me: "Take my picture, I could put this on my blog..." obviously I was in mid sentence. :)

Another brother!
This was the Sunday before 4th of July, the night our city held their fireworks show.
He was working on getting some 'epic' firework pictures with his new fancy camera. 
My brothers are totally into filming, in fact you can visit their Youtube channel and see some of their videos!

Annnnddd another-another brother. :) This is the last one...I promise.

Terrible and embarrassing selfie/group photo!
The evening wouldn't be complete without one, no?

As part of our actual celebration for the 4th, we had....a bonfire!!!!
I was super, oober excited about it! Because of the drought, it has been years since I've enjoyed a good bonfire, and I wasn't disappointed!

The boys standing back to appreciate the inferno they created.

A bonfire necessity!
My poor, growing-up-in-the-dry-south younger siblings, especially my little sister here, haven't mastered the art of eating a s'more yet...

Near the end of the month our home school group put on a farewell dance for a sweet family that is moving away.
Dances: always fun.
Saying good-bye: never fun
Here are my little brother and sister sashaying their way through the Virginia Reel.
My littlest brother is only 6, but already he is learning most of our group dances!
I'm so proud of him, it is adorable to watch.
Although when he gets to be a dashing young man and all the girls are clamoring for his attention,
 I might not feel quite the same. ;P

Oh yeah, and I spent most of my weekdays helping my dad build this massive deck for a customer!!
That in itself deserves a whole don't be surprised if you see one 'round about next week.

And there you have the summation of my month!
Can you believe it is already August?!


  1. You have beautiful siblings :)
    and everyone looks that had so much fun there.

    I love to see the massive deck. So adorable!
    Have a wonderful August.


  2. Ohhh brothers and bonfires...the two just go together! I've had a lot of s'more practice and i STILL end up like your sister! This year we tested a variation with sliced banana instead of the marshmallow....quite tasty but can't beat the classic. That deck is great. It's good to get some woodworking knowledge as it's so useful. I often wish i could do more than hang a picture. Fun to see you all enjoying yourselves. Love your 'Looking Back' posts. It's a great idea.

  3. Haha- yes, I think boys are born with a curiosity of fire. Hmm, bananas would be interesting indeed. I'm glad you like the looking back idea! :)


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