
Friday, July 19, 2013

Sew Pretty Sewing Room, Altogether Now!

"Some people look for a beautiful place...
others make a place beautiful."

This week I have been doing a series on the projects I made to
spruce things up for my new sewing space.
You have seen the individual elements, now...
let's put it all together!

This interesting shelf works great for hanging scissors and extra spools.

An old spice rack serves as our spool shelf.
The lip on the edge of the shelf keeps the spools from falling off!

The machine...
when the days comes to replace this good ol' gal, I won't know what to do.

The culmination of all my efforts and craftiness
has birthed this lovely, functional sewing space.
My dad even hung a light right above my machine...I can seeeee!
(That is why there is a cord hanging down the wall.)
Long gone is the dark, cluttered sewing corner...
what I have now gives me 'warm fuzzies' and makes my sewing time enjoyable!


  1. Darling and so cozy :) I love the embroidery hoop with the fabric and sewing machine - too cute! Thanks for showing us your lovely place where you craft.

    Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie! You are so sweet1 You didn't miss the post about making that little hoop project, did you? It was part II of this sewing room series. Just want to make sure you didn't miss it. :)

  2. I'm going to take sewing class soon, and your decoration of sewing room inspiring my studio :)

    Anyway, thank you for entering the giveaway and visit my blog. You are just so generous.

    Have a wonderful day.

    1. How exciting, Delvalina! I hope you have a great time at your sewing classes! I have only been sewing for a couple of months, and I already love it, I pray you can learn and enjoy it too.

      You are very welcome, I am so excited to have a friend on the other side of the world, I look forward to keeping in touch with you here and on your blog.


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