
Monday, July 8, 2013

Thrifted Sewing Patterns!

Now that I know how to sew, I get excited when I think about all the lovely things I can make!
A whole new world of possibilities awaits me.
It also means...I have started hunting for patterns!
I hadn't payed attention before, but one day when I stopped in at our local thrift shop,
I noticed they had a whole basket full of sewing patterns.
Most were old and outdated,
but low and behold I found these lovelies!

I got 5 patterns all for $1!!
(Yes, oh observant one, there are only four pictured.
One was a mess of papers stuffed into a picture.)
And get this....3 of the 5 were untouched!!
They hadn't even been unfolded!
I was excited....
and the best part... this adorable retro dress pattern!
It even includes the pattern for the cute little bolero jacket!
How fun is that?!

This is another cute, simple pattern...very versatile with top,
pants, and skirt options.

Ok, the dresses for this pattern are way shorter than I wear my dresses,
both on top and on bottom,
but I love the style, the cute details and many variations.
It just needs a little length tweaking.

This is another thrifted pattern, although it didn't come with this batch.
I discovered another thrift store previously unbeknownst to me early last month.
And let me tell you....they have a treasure trove of patterns!
This was one of many that wanted to come home with me...I could have filled a whole bag!
Once again, this pattern is untouched.

Isn't the dress sweet, flowing and simple?
That dipping V needs some changing, but nothing a little modesty panel wouldn't fix.

I just love thrift store finds, don't you?

Now, to find some pretty fabric for cheep....

What have you found lately?

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