
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rustic Vintage Birthday Tea Party

Sometimes in life,
we are given moments that are so beautiful, and perfectly piercing,
it seems almost overwhelming, too much to take in and fully grasp.
I recently had one of those moments.
This past weekend was the birthday of a dear friend.
Funny story...
while she is a dear friend,
she is a fairly new one...and I actually didn't know it was her birthday!
We had planned to spend the weekend together in advance,
since her family would be away and we would have the time all to ourselves.
She had no special plans to celebrate,
but I have to say, God had some...
What started as a simple cup of tea between friends one evening,
turned into grand plans for a beautiful outdoor tea party and supper the following day.
We spent most of Saturday planning, preparing, searching for recipes,
and cooking.
By the time we had gotten dressed, carried the table, chairs, dishes and our goodies
out to the edge of a nearby field...
it was sunset. 

Tea cups and place settings.

A birthday banquet.


Freshly picked flowers graced out table.
The lovely ladies...


...sitting down to tea.

Beth, the birthday beauty.
And me.

Pumpkin Pie Spiced tea...

We couldn't wait to enjoy the fruits of our labor!
Isn't it beautiful?!

Yummy quiche, made with farm fresh eggs, garden picked veggies and gluten free crust!
For dessert, gluten free Scottish Shortbread with Cinnamon Sugar topping!
And a dish of home grown Honey was divine!

 The sunset was beautiful...
and the perfect opportunity for some vivid shots...

Just gorgeous, inside and out!

I love how the purple hues came out in Beth's pictures,
and the deep oranges came out in mine...the colors matched with what we were wearing.

We finished our meal in the dark, with the stars and a lone lamp post (the farm version) for light.
Is it just me, or does food taste better out of doors?
Probably the high light of the evening was what came after.
Once we had fed our tummies, we nourished each other's souls by praying for each other.
After talking about so many hopes, dreams and desires for the future,
we wanted to bless each other and ask for God's guidance and grace.
It was a glorious way to celebrate a birthday...
and a friendship! 


  1. What a perfect setting for a tea party! The food looks delicious and you ladies look fabulous :) So glad you shared with us.

  2. Beautiful! I felt like crying at the end. Thanks for sharing, Des!

    Blessings -

    ~ Aspen

    1. Aww! It *was* such a beautiful evening, I'm glad it blessed you too, to read about it. :)

  3. Aww sweet stories, the birthday party beyond special. I love the table setting and the SUNSET!!!! omg sunset helped to make it more perfect day for both of you. It's so lovely and is like God was smiling for you both. I love the outfits too :)
    I love when the plans come sudden and ended beautiful hehe.
    Thanks for sharing beautiful picture :) (can I pin the first pciture?) :)

    1. Yes! You put it perfectly, Delvalina, it was like God was smiling. :) The sunset was perfect, and it was so fun to dress up and be a part of the beauty. Yes, you are welcome to pin it!

  4. Oh Des!!! You are such a blessing!! Looking at these pictures again and reading what you had to say made me smile and feel like I was there again! :) It was a evening I wont forget! It was like God was smiling on us and comforting and showering love on us through is beauty!
    One thing you did forget to mention was that God didn't stop there. While we were taking every thing down, now dark, the eastern horizon looked as if it had suddenly caught fire and the moon began to show. It was so majestic!! We got to watch it come up as big as ever! Breath taking! Gods beauty and blessings of friendship did wonders for the soul!
    I think this might have been the best birthday ever! :)

    1. Awww, I'm glad you could revisit it! I know I won't forgot it either. I'm feel so blessed that I could be a part of it with you! You are right! The beautiful moon at the end of the evening was a gorgeous bonus, how did I not mention that?!

  5. Wow!! Just so excited that you lovely ladies had such a wonderful time!! Oh, my!! The food looks so delicious and about building a memory......thanks for sharing Des......blessings to two lovely young women!! Nana Phipps

    1. Thanks, Nana! Oh, it was...I'll have to share the recipe with you so you can enjoy them too!

  6. Oh my goodness!! This is beautiful!! What a sweet idea! I can't get over how amazing it would be to have evening tea in a field at sunset! So glad I found ya through Blogs By Christian Women!

    1. Hi, Elle Alice!
      I'm so glad you came over! :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting, it is always fun to hear from new people!

  7. Beautiful in every way. I hope you two have many, many years of friendship to enjoy!

    1. Thank you, Jenny_O! I pray and believe that we will! :)

  8. Beautiful Birthday! I grew up in West Texas, and hadn't been there for 20 years, this past summer I got the chance to revisit! It is soooo desolate! You are so young to be such a grand seamstress! I must bless someone with a birthday party like this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, W. Texas is *very* desolate! My family and I are blessed to live in a valley, which means it has a much different landscape than up on the cap- we actually have trees and hills! :) Thank you for your complement! I don't feel that great a seamstress yet, and actually, I have friends who are *much* better and even younger than I am! I'm just trying to play catch-up. :) I check out your blog, both you and your husband do beautiful work! Someday I would like to try and tackle a quilt...

  9. I love west Texas Sunsets over feilds. What am amazing back drop for your dinner. I love Beth's top & skirt is this one of your creations, or is she an amazing designer also?

  10. It was most BEAUTIFUL! No, I can't take any credit for the clothes we are wearing- even the cloths *I* am wearing were borrowed from her lovely closet. Beth doesn't refashion but she is a talented sewer- she reenacts and has sewn her own Civil War clothes! :)


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