
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tea Dying

Tea dying.
What a novel idea.

Have you seen the Pins too?
I didn't know this was possible, but it makes perfect sense.

So I decided to give it a go.

Instead of using the usual brown tea, I found the most vibrant tea in our cupboard!
This beautiful, deep red tea was perfect for what I had in mind!
I started with a slightly larger than cereal bowl sized bowl,
boiled some water, then added two bags of
Celestial Seasoning's Raspberry Zinger tea (one of our favorites).
For this experiment, I wanted to dye two doilies I had recently finished.
After dunking the tea bags in the water for a bit, I took them out.
I placed one doily in the tea, put a tea bag on top of it,
put in the second doily, and the other tea bag on top of that.
A little sandwich, if you will, of doily and tea bags.
My reasoning was that this might help distribute the color evenly between the two doilies.

And then I forgot about them....for most of the day.
I stirred and squished them around every now and then
when I came through the kitchen.
At the end of the day, I took them out, rinsed them lightly,
then laid them out neatly to dry.

This is how they turned out!
I have laid them next to un-dyed doilies for comparison.

This was actually the hue I was hoping for!
I was pleased.
A little note, the color does fade more after they sit for several days,
which was a little disappointing, but not entirely unexpected.
All in all, I think this is a fun, economical way to throw in some color!
What do you think?
Have you done tea dying before?


  1. these are beautiful! You're brave... I would be scared to ruin such beautiful doilies! But yours turned out great!!

    1. That thought occurred to me as I was about to dunk them in the tea, then I thought "Oh well, I just have to do it in order to see!" :) I'm glad you liked how they turned out!

  2. Oh I love this! The doilies look fantastic :) Thanks for sharing and now you have me wanting to try it as well. Have a great weekend.


    1. Thank you! Oh, I hope you do! I would love to see how yours turn out! I have wondered if a green tea would give a slight green tint or not...that would be my next experiment! :)

  3. That is a beautiful shade! Good luck with the green tea experiment.

    1. Thanks, Jenny. :) I'll be sure to do a post on the green tea experiment when I can get around to it.


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