
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Afterglow

I pray each and every one of you had a blessed and joyous Christmas season!

 As I write this post, I am basking the pleasant serenity and afterglow of Christmas.
Our lights still dance and flicker this evening, 
adding cheer and warmth to otherwise darkened windows and doorways.
My tummy is content with the pies of my recent labors, our plumpened refrigerator 
offers a reprieve from kitchen duties,
and that anxious excitement proceeding Christmas has matured into the
warm contentedness of seeing my loved ones smiling and grateful faces
in return for money and hours of work spent on their gifts.

It was a very good Christmas, 
and I'm most thankful for all I have, received and was able to give!

I have so much to share you with you in the weeks ahead,
but I still need a bit of time to recover from my oober busy month.
I thought I had better let you know I was still around!

Blessings and peace upon you all as we soon enter into a new year!


  1. We had a busy Christmas but it was joyful, too, with loved ones here. Looking forward to your posts ... and those photos are truly beautiful.

    Wishing you a wonderful new year!

    1. I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas, Jenny! :) Thank you, I actually snapped those pics myself. :) Happy New Year!


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