
Saturday, January 11, 2014

DIY Basic Boy's Wallet

Remember when I shared with you

Well, today I will share with you my version of the 
Basic Boy's Wallet.

As soon as I stumbled upon this clear, easy to replicate tutorial from Noodlehead
I knew I needed to create my own version as a gift for my baby brother.

For my wallet,
 I used a scrap piece of denim from a refashion project,
and cut the remaining pieces from a plaid shirt.

 Ahh, look at those lines, all matching...*sigh* does my OCD good.
Oh, um, moving on...
Using the basic tutorial instructions,
I folded and pinned the card pockets.
Before sewing these up, 
I inserted a card, testing the depth of each pocket,
to insure I had them right.

In place of leather accents, as used in the tutorial,
I opted for a simpler version.
Snipping a blue 'J' out of a piece of felt really personalized this wallet, 
perfect for the six-year old stage of life where ownership is key.
Not to mention blue is my little brother's favorite color.

Stitching around the outside edges,
I had my initial secured lickety-split.

The rest was fairly simple,
I sewed up the edges, turned the whole thing inside out
and finished with some top stitching!

I will admit though, the edges of all my pieces weren't perfectly aligned, 
which caused some frustrations...
but nothing some trimming and increased seam allowances didn't fix.

And just like that I had created a cute little wallet.
Throw a couple of $1 bills in there, and it was a hit with the little man!

If I were to change to a few things,
I would certainly have used a webbing on the plaid pieces inside,
the material is very soft and thus a bit floppy.
Alas, I didn't have any on hand and needed to get this finished.

Also,as an afterthought, 
it dawned on me that a six year old really hasn't much use
for the card pockets but would much more have benefited
from sort of zippered or pocketed compartment for change!

Oh well, he loved it, and that is all that matters in the end!


  1. Well done! Thanks to this nice tutorial I know a couple of lads who will be getting a new wallet for their birthday. Good point about the change pocket. I imagine your brother is proud as punch to pull this out at purchase time. Very nice.

    1. That is awesome!! I'm sure they will really like them!
      Yes, I keep thinking there must be a way to add a little pocket, but then I fear the wallet would too bulky to fold over and stay closed. But you are right, he was so pleased with it and it wasn't long before his bills found there way inside. :)

  2. I wish I had seen this before Christmas! Might have to remember this next time.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry you found it late! But this is a great tutorial and I would definitely recommend making this as a gift in the future. :)

  3. Isn't it great when a handmade gift hits the mark with the person you're making it for?!

    1. Yes it is!! I just love that feeling. And it makes it so much better when it doesn't cost you very much...or, as in this case, when you can refashion it from something you already have! :)


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