
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

You're Going to Be Okay...{Coffee for Your Heart}

“No matter what happens, you’re going to be okay because..."

Coffee for Your Heart 150 

 Okay is a relative term.
 It could mean different things to different people.
Okay in America, means you will keep your nice house, your cars,
and be able to afford eating out once in a while.

Okay in a third world country
means you will have a hut roof over your head,
water for your needs and enough food to eat one ample meal a day.

Okay is a relative term.

When I think "it is going to be okay",
it might mean I can't make that car payment and my vehicle gets repossessed.
But God is on His throne.
I might have to turn down the heat to 58 degrees and wear Eskimo layers because I can't afford the bill.
BUT God is on His throne.
It might mean I eat mostly beans and rice,
But GOD is on His throne.
It might mean I live in a country that persecutes me for my faith,
But God IS on His throne. 

Okay to me means, God is still God, He is still there, no matter what happens on this earth.
And no matter what happens, which side of okay I end up on, He will always be there.
He gives me the grace for each day,
and even if worst comes to worst, God is still God, 
and I will get to see Him on that throne. 

Romans 8:38-39 Once you belong to God through your faith in Jesus Christ, NOTHING can separate you from the love of God.

Everything is going to be okay because God is on His throne.

Linking up Wednesdays with Holley Gerth and many other wonderful ladies, with Coffee For Your Heart.


  1. Infinitely comforting. :) Some days I need a good reminding of this. Thanks Des.

    1. That is what gets me through...if you boil it all down, that is all that matters. You're welcome. :)


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