
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer & Ponderings

Hello my lovely, wonderful friends!

Things have been really too quiet around here,
and I knew I needed to peep my head in and check on all of you!

So... summer, right?!
It is here!
Welcome to the days of 100 degree temps, which has brought the rain, storms, hail and tornadoes.
Thankfully none of those last two have made their way to our immediate area.
Summer is in full swing.

Happy late Fourth of the July by the way!

I'm sure there is a little curious question that has been pestering you lately....
"Where has she been?!"

I've been gone for about four months, you guys!
I wish I could tell you I was working on a book launch, a store opening, a line of my own designs, or at the least an Etsy shop...but sadly it is none of those things.

Here is the story.
 My heart and energy has been pretty wrapped up in 
mapping out and taking steps towards where I want to go with myself.
That includes searching for a consistent job to fund some classes I am 
wanting to take on the path to having a career or at least a focus for this stage of my life.

Pretty simple and straightforward.

There is also some praying and thinking going on about moving...
 I've made some progress in charting a course, laying down some goals, and getting a direction,
 but nothing has been decided in any certain manner about the move, where or when that would be.
So don't worry about that one yet friends!

Anyway...that is where I've been lately.
All this other stuff kind of zapped my sewing and creative mojo...
even though I have a stack of projects, many of which I have a vision for already!

It will all return in time, I know this for sure.
But I've just had some bigger things that were too concerning to allow me to give much 
(ok, any) thought or energy to being creative.

Aside from not blogging myself,
I haven't even been keeping up with my regular blog reads either!
Sorry about that ladies.

I hope you have all been having a great summer so far!

I do have some upcoming posts to share with you a little bit
of what has been keeping me occupied...sharing some fuzzy new arrivals,
a wedding and trip, and a recent foray into the wonderful world of cakes and cake decorating!
Be sure to check back!
Oh, and thanks so much for not up and leaving my little following of readers.
It means a lot. :)


  1. So glad to see you're back! I can't wait to hear all about the future projects you are planning; you are so talented!


    1. That is always nice to hear, thanks Reyna! :)

  2. Lovely to get this update from you. Sounds like you are focused on some very important things and I wish you all the best in your plans. I look forward to hearing more. In the meantime.....enjoy summer!

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn! I have been pretty focused, but I think I've reached some plans and goals, so takes a lot of the stress off. I look forward to getting back into blogging again! Enjoy your summer as well! :)

  3. glad you're back... life is made of priorities and blogging isn't one of them sometimes...

    1. Exactly. :) It is fun to be back, I enjoy blogging- but it is always good to remember that a blog doesn't run my life.


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