
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Vote for a Cause, Make a Difference

I'm just gonna come right out and say that I have a little fire burning under my bum today,
and I decided to set out and try to do something about it.

Here is the story.

Those of you who have been with me very long know that I have a heart
for India. Well, I try to put my money where my mouth is a support works
in that country, and one way that I do that is by giving to India Partners,
a Christ centered organization that aims at "partnering with the people of India in ministry by cultivating relationships, sharing resources, and encouraging self-sufficiency through the compassion and wisdom of Jesus Christ."

Today I read an email from India Partners and
learned that they have entered a photo contest hosted by Global Giving.
which will give $1,000 to the non-profit organization who's picture wins first place.

Such a great idea, and I was happy to cast my vote and support them.

And then I saw it.
 The organizations that are currently in top place
are not ones that are aimed at saving orphans,
providing a better education for children overseas, or funding urgent medical needs.
The most championed causes in the lead right now are those that
aim to save abandoned birds, and street dogs.

This made me sad.
And then, very angry.

I love animals, y'all, and it does make me sad when they are mistreated.
But they are just that.

I believe people are infinitely more valuable and important!
We are created in the image of God and have eternal destinies.
There should be no contest!

For me, this contest isn't so much about the actual photos,
but about the organization that the photo will support.
This is the photo entered by India Partners.
By voting for India Partners, you help an orphan in India, like this girl, receive an education.

 If you feel the same as I,
a reputable Christian based organization that is doing a good work,
and make your voice heard that people are more valuable than animals. 

All you have to do is go to the link above that says "go vote",
enter you email address, then wait for the confirmation email that will make your vote count.
The deadline for voting is August 29th!

And that is all.
Such a very little thing can make a big difference.
You could make a difference between $1,000 being thrown away on rescuing birds,
like the ones that sadly fly into our windshields every now and then, or by providing a better life
and education to a precious, orphaned child...a human being who has a calling and destiny.

Your vote stresses the importance of Christ's love to children.

Thank you for reading my little rant.
And thank you in advance on behalf of India Partners, for your vote!

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