
Friday, August 16, 2013

Four Chicks and a Rooster Tea Party

Hello all!
If things have seemed a little quiet around here lately, it has been for good reason.
I, along with my little sister,  have been away from home (and consequently my sewing machine) for the past 12 days staying with Nana while Papa went on an out of state trip.
Nana didn't want to be alone for all that time, so we went to keep her company.
There were lots of chick flicks and ice cream had by all.
To earn our keep, we helped Nana with several different tasks and organizing jobs.
Our last night there, my mom and little brother joined us, and, in keeping with one of Nana's long standing special occasion traditions, we had a tea party.
My little sister and brother showing off their tea cups.

The table setting...

Wonderful Triple Berry Rhubarb pie!!
And aren't those plates precious?
Nana has a variety of tea cups, so we all got to pick our own!
This is such a fun idea, one I've decided I am going to implement in my own home.

My little sister picked out this sweet pink rose set.

Nana chose this cheery yellow cup and saucer with an oriental flare to it.

Mom and I both chose this darling set with blue flowers that I think might be forget-me-nots.

And my little brother found a cute mini set that was just his size. 

Nana pulled out her cute little serving dishes and tea pot,
along with gorgeous saucer for our used tea bags.

It was a lovely time together, each enjoying their special setting and a varieties of yummy tea
to accompany the wonderful pie.
We even threw in a few British accents. :)

Aren't self-timer cameras great?
We were able to get a picture of the whole assembly, which Nana rightly dubbed,
four chicks and a rooster.


  1. What an adorable tea party. Your china collections too, the tea cups and the plates are look so love on the table.The pie....omg! so tasty!
    Looks that have so much fun :)

    You have beautiful family my friend.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you, Delvalina, I am very blessed to have the family I do. :) It was a lot of fun, and yes, the pie was heavenly!

  2. Absolutely darling! The tea cups are so pretty and I have the same one with the Forget-me-not's :) The pie looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing your sweet tea party with us - what a blessing to spend time with family. Hugs to you!

    1. How fun that you have one of the same tea cups! I enjoyed it so much that I've decided I *do* need some tea cups of my own to actually use, so I'll be participating in your next tea cup exchange! :)


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