
Monday, August 19, 2013

In the Works...

Before I left to stay with Nana for almost two weeks,
I had just barely started a new sewing project.
There isn't much to show yet, and I have a busy week ahead of me working with dad, so I'm not sure when it will be finished, but I'm really excited about this one!
A mash up of two worlds, this project combines the use of sewing patterns and refashioned leftovers.
I'll give you a little preview and show you the pattern I'm working with...
This darling vintage pattern, loaned to me by my dear friend Atlanta,
includes pieces for the skirt as well as the adorable vest they term a weskit.
I'm so excited! I sure hope it turns out as great as I'm expecting.
And, as to which one I am making, I'll just have to leave you guessing. :)


  1. Oh how fun!! I can't wait to see the finished product :) Hugs!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! I can't wait to have it finished!


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