
Saturday, January 18, 2014

DIY Crochet Hook Clutch

I crochet.
Didn't know that?
Well, I haven't showcased many of my projects yet on this blog,
but I have been crocheting since about 10 years of age,
and have crafted a myriad of projects.

I have my mother to thank for teaching me the craft,
and this Christmas I wanted to give something back to her,
which is why I decided to sew her a clutch case for her various crochet hooks!
This was one of the projects I was really excited about making,
but couldn't share with you back in November.

Through, where else, but Pinterest,
I found this wonderful tutorial from  Little Birdie Secrets.
All the measurements are there for you,
even a breakdown of pocket spacing for each hook size.

My Changes:
-I did make my pocket size for G and H a mite smaller,
going just under 1/2 inch.

-I made my clutch a tri-fold.
 I liked the size better and felt it helped to cocoon the hooks in more securely.
This does affect the placement of the button,
so bear that in mind when considering which version you want to make.

I used leftovers fabric from this project and a multi-colored striped shirt in my refashion pile
to craft my version of this hook case.

See those lovely colors?
I knew this would partner well with the coral and robin's -egg- blue of this gorgeous floral print.
It lends a bit of whimsicality, don't you think?

The stripped fabric became the sheaths for the hooks.
Following along with the instructions,
it came together very nicely.

You can see here that my button placement is different than the original.
Just fold your case over as many times as you would like, in this 'case' (sorry), 
I folded mine over twice, then the rounded part folds downward. 
How you fold it will determine where the button and closure fall.

Doesn't this button match perfectly?!
Would you believe it was the original button from the huge coral blazer I refashioned?

It is hard to tell in this picture,
but it just so happened that many of the lines I stitched to create
the hook pockets correlated with the pattern stripes!
At any rate, they made excellent guides for a straight stitch.

Here it is all finished!

The biggest problem I had?
Sewing this darling up without mom knowing!
My sewing area is in the middle of the house, a high traffic area,
so there is no hiding what you are making...unless..yes...that was it!
I would make it in one morning while mom was away at Bible study!!
It was perfect...she would never know...I'd clean up every trace of evidence...
there wouldn't be a single thread on the floor...the perfect crime surprise...mwahaha!!!

No joke. 
That's just how I felt.
Like some mad scientist whipping up an end of the world concoction in his lab,
I was giddy with delight that I pulled it off, a complete and utter surprise!
"I've done it!! I've created a masterpiece!"

It still gives me thrills just thinking about it.

And she was...
completely surprised.


  1. So cute and feminine, sweet friend. I love it and will put this on my "To Make" list which is quite long :) It's so good to stop by for a visit and I hope you're having a great weekend. Hugs to you!

    1. Oh dear, I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the "To Make" list! :) At least we will never run out of ideas to keep us busy. My weekend was very productive and restful. I hope yours was as well! :)

  2. Nicely done! There are no gifts I treasure more than those handmade by my children and your mother must be delighted with something so lovely...made by you. :)

    1. I agree- handmade gifts are so special! Yes, she was very surprised and pleased! :)

  3. Very pretty! You crack me up with your evil scheming sewing surprise! lol
    But seriously though, what a sweet gift for your mom! ;)

    1. Hehehe...thanks Jen! It was great-- I even had the little kids stationed on look out to sound the alarm if they saw her coming back! It was my Mission Impossible moment. ;)

  4. So feminine and pretty ... and useful! I love buttons of all kinds and know how hard it can be to find a perfect one from the stash - and that one is perfect.

    1. Thank you, Jenny! Oh I know it- I had completely forgotten about this button, so I was tickled pink..err...coral...when I found it in our stash! :)


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