
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Refashioned Outfit: Look #2
Hi-Low Skirt

Last time,
I showed you a completely refashioned outfit.
In this post, I will be wearing the same button down shirt,
but I'm refashioning a different bottom to accompany it!


I started with this deep teal skirt.
It was a bag sale buy that I picked up intentionally for the following purpose...

...making a hi-low skirt.
I know, I know.
They have been done a million times all over the blog world.
But I haven't done it yet!
It seems pretty simple,
but in actuality, for a perfectionist like myself, this took me quite a while.
I messed around with how hi to cut it and just exactly the lines I wanted.
I ended up tracing a curvy little line instead of a straight angled cut.
I liked how that looked much better.

After all that, the rest was easy...chop and hem!

Here it is coupled with my previously refashioned top!
I adore how the colors go so well together!

As you can tell, my hi-low is a little less hi and a little more low than one usually sees.
I was brought up not to wear skirts much above the knee,
so I modest-ized this fashion trend.


It appears to be a reoccurring theme that our animals
want in on the photo shoots!

We asked very nicely if she would move...she just sat down and stuck her tongue out.
 Whatcha' gonna do?
So there you have it!
Two completely refashioned outfits.
With three pieces, I have two great new looks that cost me less than $1!
Button Down Shirt: (bag sale)  .20 cents ?
Striped Shorts: Free (hand-me-downs)
Skirt: (bag sale) .20 cents ?
Ahh, I love refashioning!


  1. Beautiful skirt! And the blouse does go with it perfectly - and since the dog is beige, I think he goes with it too! :0)

  2. LoL- I suppose you are right about the dog! :) I'm glad you liked the skirt, Sabrina! Thanks for commenting! I love getting feedback from readers!

  3. Came over from The Renegade Seamstress ... that skirt is beautiful. And I really did not recognize the shirt - it looks casual with the shorts and it looks dressy with this skirt. You have a great eye.

    - Jo H.

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by, thanks for reading some of my other posts and sharing your thoughts! Thank you for your very nice compliment! I agree, the shirt really lends itself to diversity depending on how it is dressed. Those are some of the best pieces to have! :)

  4. I want to jack off in that outfit


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