Favorite quotes!
First one...
First one...
"I'd rather be a hammer than a nail."
Paul Simon
Meaning it is better to be an active force than to let others (or something) drive you.
I heard this on a Christian radio show many years ago, and it has stuck with me.

Honestly, I didn't even know who Paul Simon was.
So just before posting this, I did some research and found out
it was Simon of Simon and Garfunkel and this quote is actually a song lyric!

Honestly, I didn't even know who Paul Simon was.
So just before posting this, I did some research and found out
it was Simon of Simon and Garfunkel and this quote is actually a song lyric!
Who knew?!
"What is an ambassador's responsibility?
Not to change the people to whom he is sent, but to represent the King whom he serves."
Lydia Prince
I was deeply moved reading about Lydia's early life in the book Appointment In Jerusalem,
where this quote comes from.
It is a great reminder for us as Christians,
that we aren't out to change people, because we can't,
rather we simply need represent God and the truths of His kingdom
through our lives, words and actions.
I'm linking up at Anchored in Love Divine
for the Blog Everyday in February Challenge!

I was deeply moved reading about Lydia's early life in the book Appointment In Jerusalem,
where this quote comes from.
It is a great reminder for us as Christians,
that we aren't out to change people, because we can't,
rather we simply need represent God and the truths of His kingdom
through our lives, words and actions.
I'm linking up at Anchored in Love Divine
for the Blog Everyday in February Challenge!

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